Events and News

Condition of this Website – We are sorry to say that this website was set up poorly for our use. It has deteriorated to the point that this page is the only one we can partially update. Some links on other pages are broken and cannot be fixed. We are cooperating with the national Church office in a grand plan to have websites of interested dioceses and parishes be part of the national Church’s website. So we are waiting with any changes so that we will be ready to make the migration as soon as it is possible. We do not know how long of a process this will be, so we are grateful for your patience!


March 4 at 8pm (et) – Diocesan Outreach Commission meeting on Zoom

March 17 – National Mission and Evangelism meeting on Zoom

March 31 to April 2 – National Mission and Evangelism meeting (Scranton, PA)

April 13 – Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week

April 16 – Chrism Mass / Blessing of Oils (location not finalized yet

April 20 – May We Celebrate our Risen Lord! Happy Easter!

April 26 – PNCC Scholars Conference in person and on Zoom

April 29 & 30 – Supreme Council meeting in Chicago

May 7 – Bp. Kardas Home meeting at 7pm (et) on Zoom

May 12 to 14 – Diocesan Clergy Retreat and Conference

May 16 to 18 – YMSR Bowling Tournament in Hamtramck, MI

May 30 to June 1 – Mission and Evangelism Workshop in Denver, CO


Newest News

Outreach Ideas
The Western Diocese Outreach Team has been meeting regularly since the XIXth Western Diocesan Synod held in October 2024. Each month we hope to provide one or two “Monthly Tips” for each parish to concentrate on during the month. Developing new ideas and tools are crucial for internal and external mission, and we pray that our Monthly Tips will enable your parish to glorify God and serve your members and community. Tip 1: MEMBERSHIP ROSTER: Create a membership roster if your parish does not already have one. This can be as simple as an area where all the contact information for its members are kept. Given today’s technology, it is recommended to have a digital repository for this information so it can easily be maintained and updated. If you need any assistance in this regard, please reach out to Father Senior Charles Zawistowski at . Tip 2: OUTREACH CALLS: Make phone calls to inactive members who may not be coming to church. Perhaps they are shut-ins, homebound, going through a season of illness, or are just too busy with outside activities and life in general. Reach out to your inactive parishioners and engage them in a pleasant conversation, offering to include them on a prayer list for any needs they may have, letting them know that they are missed, encouraging them to return to church if they are able, and offer communion brought by the pastor. These calls can be made by fellow lay people and not necessarily a member of the clergy. Ask the members to confirm their current mailing address, email address and phone numbers (land line and cell phones). With this information, you can easily update and maintain your membership roster. May God bless your parish and its members as you continue to build God’s Kingdom here on Earth!

NC 1700
It was 1700 years ago that the Council of Nicea concluded and produced one of the most important documents of the Christian Church – the Nicean Creed. This Creed is so important that we recite it every Sunday, and many Masses throughout the year. It is a summary of some of the most beliefs that we hold as Christians.
Our Church is planning numerous events to celebrate this great milestone, and we hope you will be able to join in where possible. The next time we recite the Nicene Creed, let us focus on its elements of faith, and may we Give Thankss to God for it!

Youth Gathering
Plans are being made for this year’s Youth Gathering which will be held at Walnut Ridge Retreat Center in Morgantown, IN. Diocesan youth leaders and interested adults are working together in shaping this year’s event. The theme is God’s Kingdom Builders, with sessions and activities that help our youth use their talents to serve God by making an impact in the community. The cost is only $150 for 4 days, which includes meals, lodging and Fun! Registration forms will be sent out soon, so please be on the lookout!

+Anna Dawidziuk The clergy and faithful of the Western Diocese are very saddened to hear of the passing of the late Anna Dawidziuk, whose funeral is being held today. Anna was the wife of the late Bishop Jan Dawidziuk, 6th Bishop of the Western Diocese. We extend our condolences to Elizabeth on the passing of her mom, and we offer our heart-felt prayers and support. The ministry of those called to serve is vital to the Church. Anna was very helpful and supportive of Bishop Jan as he served our Church as a priest and bishop of our diocese. His ministry was made more effective because of the love and support of his wife Anna. We are grateful to Anna for sharing her husband with our Church, and we will long remember her hard work, dedication and gentleness.Anna lost her husband Bishop Jan more than 12 years ago, bringing a sadness that remained with her until her passing. Now she and Bishop Jan are at rest. Eternal Rest grant unto her O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon her. May She Rest in Peace, Amen.

Thank You for serving your parish, our diocese and national Church!

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