
Western Diocese PNCC

Serving God and Community since 1895!


Upcoming Events

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Unfortunately, we are having much difficulty updating our site or having it look the way we want due to technical problems with the internet host.
There are too many glitches which cannot be corrected or overcome, so we are in the process of moving to a different host and begin the process
of re-designing our website.
Diocesan Synod
Our diocesan Synod recently concluded and we are very pleased!  We accomplished our goals for it to be efficient and affordable, resulting in an excellent attendance where all but one parish were represented.  We also spent a majority of time planning for our future while giving direction for parishes to develop or improve their internal and external outreach efforts, beginning with individual parishioners.  All this was done while conducting ourselves with a prayerful and spiritual demeanor.  Most importantly, our Synod was not the end, but just the beginning where our parishes will strive to be Built on the Rock of Jesus!
Ordination and Elevation
On Thursday October 17 Prime Bishop Anthony ordained subdeacon David Talaga of Mosinee, WI as a deacon in our Church.  He also Tonsure Jason Fox of West Allis, WI and bestowed the minor orders of Porter and Reader.  We give Thanks to God for the work of sacred vocations in our diocese and national Church!
Scouting Commission
Our newly re-activated Scouting commission is working diligently to promote Scouting in our diocese.  A questionnaire was recently sent to all parishes, which they kindly ask to be filled out and returned to them.  For your convenience, filled out questionnaires can be scanned and emailed.  Thank you for your support and cooperation!
Upcoming Events
October 28-30 – National Liturgy Commission in Scranton, PA
November 4 – Prime Bishop’s Meeting with diocesan senior priests at 1pm (et)
November 5 – Diocesan Scouting commission meeting at 7pm (et)

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